Excavation at its Finest! Serving Western Washington
D. Power Construction and Excavation Company

30 Years of Experience Counts to Save You Time and Money!

Have a drive through a park on your estate - The Power drive, Our house

Power Construction and Excavating Company is the professional site work contractor for your Residential and Commercial excavation work in Western Washington. With 30 years of extensive experience working with home owners and real estate developers, we can save you time and money.

We specialize in:

All the items listed are all major inconveniences that can be corrected. D.Power Construction and Excavation Company has the knowledge and expertise and equipment to complete work all to Code, done right the first time saving you time and money.

All you need to do is call -425-422-7660 OR -- fill out the contact information page.

You will be contacted promptly.

We will work with you from design to the implementation of your project to create an esthetic pleasing landscape, increased function and help to increase equity in your property, per your request.